среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

accounting cost pension

Thereapos;s four of us.
We first became friends in high school. No, we donapos;t have some story of how weapos;ve been friends since birth or anything of that sort. Frankly, Iapos;m not even sure why we are friends. But it doesnapos;t matter. What does matter is that we are friends. And weapos;re the best of friends.

Iapos;m Ryn. Iapos;m actually the oldest out of all of us. How do you describe me? Well youapos;re going to need to ask one of them. Personally I think Iapos;m loud, impulsive and outgoing. Maybe Iapos;m a little full of myself, but isnapos;t that good? A little self love? Hah, thatapos;s me. When I get an idea in my head, thereapos;s nothing stopping me. I have some questionable morals, but Iapos;m fun nevertheless. I hardly ever think about what Iapos;m doing and it often gets me into trouble.
Sheapos;s only twenty days younger than me, making Noah next in line. Noah and I have been friends since fourth grade. Weapos;ve gone through a lot, but honestly itapos;s only made our relationship stronger. Sheapos;s a lot like me. Sheapos;s tiny in size but her attitude makes up for it. Sheapos;s harshly sarcstic and sheapos;d probably hurt your feelings if you didnapos;t know she was only kidding. Unlike me, she actually tries to rationalize before acting out. Too bad most of the time, she ends up doing it anyway.
Ace is next. Sheapos;s tiny, but eats 16 ounces of steak for a snack. Of course being in the military helps keep her in shape, but who actually enjoys running a few miles every morning? Sheapos;s tough, a lot tougher than youapos;d think. But deep down inside of her, thereapos;s a very large heart. Even though sheapos;s a bit of a tomboy, sheapos;s a sucker for chick-flicks and sappy romances. Sheapos;s probably the smartest of us too. But if you really want to see her having some fun, check out her dancing.
Lastly thereapos;s Brisk. Sheapos;s kind of quiet, a little shy at times. Around us, she gets a bit out of hand. She bottles up her emotions too much. She likes to follow the rules, which works to my advantage actually. Sheapos;s the one that tells us what to do, what not to do. If it wasnapos;t for her, Iapos;d probably be dead in a ditch somewhere. She definitely keeps the rest of us firmly grounded. Sheapos;s blonde and certainly acts a little ditzy sometimes.

Thatapos;s a little bit about who we are. But thereapos;s a lot more underneath what we appear. One thing is true and definite, weapos;ve got each othersapos; backs. Weapos;ve lived the past 5 years of our life together and I donapos;t think any of us would ask for it any differently. Our friendship has truly been tested over the years.

Itapos;s not a matter of who youapos;ve known the longest, it matters most who has remained by your side.

Thereapos;s no doubt weapos;re all standing side by side.

- Ryn

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