понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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[has one earbud in, just kind of shuffling around kitchen, for some reason heapos;s holding a carving knife while searching the refrigerator] So... Iapos;ve been wondering.

My familyapos;s sorta... Catholic. Has anyone ever thought- Like- Do you think... [pauses and sorts out his words]

Do you think this is Limbo? [straightens up, holding a pumpkin, drops it on the table behind him and stabs the knife into the top of it, looks up for a response from anyone who would understand, really]
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Reading ADHapos;s post about the dance.... Made me frustrated. Not at her, but the teacherapos;s response to the hoochie skirts and dirty dancing of CHILDREN.� I mean, kids sent home because they were wearing jeans- respecting the dress code but choosing not to dress up... But girls wearing *street-walker* wear get to go in and shake their hoochie ass all all- over.� What the FUCK?

I think the real reason was they didnapos;t want to get into a legal battle like so many highly publicised ones today about teens going to dances dressing inappropriately,.� Remember the girl�in�the gold dress who was arrested in Texas?� Yeah, this is why I donapos;t want to have children... Adults would rather kids risk being teenage mommies than *gasp*, risk�possible negative press.�

When did it become more important for a school to have more of a positive�self image than the children who attend it?

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I donapos;t know why some evenings are different from others. Like this one. Iapos;m pretty reckless and I shudder of the thought of all my homework (which Iapos;m kind of avoiding). Most of it is because of my little devil computer. With the internet I get pretty much distracted and... Obsessed. This night is going to be a night with very little sleep.
Tomorrow Iapos;m going to be pretty angry with myself.

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build a sawhorse

Itapos;s like 430a.m now.
and iapos;m still awake.
just finish editing lesson plans.
OH, wait.
i forgotten t set the worksheet
damn it�

after a week,
i finally attended my first training
like finally. I know.
before that, having ninjas meeting.
training was okay?
mayb didnt run thatapos;s why.

yah, there was a teamtalk for all.�
which is the ladies team.
kinda of alrights.
spoke my points.
put my softskills to use.
start with good, then bad. Then sum up in good.
hahaha, let me explain.

starting with good points,
will make one feel better and praised, and so when u started to shoot one.
one wun feel that you are purposely picked on one.
then bad.
say all the rooms for improvements.
if u say it now, it will be rather producing.
as one will b more inclined to accept wad u said.
then good,
as a kinda of motivation for them.
to carry out. And not giving it up.

some will side some due to the days and time they spent together and bond.
but, try to understand both sides.
then saying yr points from a outsiderapos;s view.
and i think it will benefit both the most.
hope things dont turn out worse.

last thing,
thank you for the chewing gum
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Took me and BLS forever to finish it We started when I got to her house and ended when I got hope at 7something. Wow. Taday was an entertaining day which hasnapos;t happened in awhile. I didnapos;t fall asleep in class and acturally TRIED to stay productive.�I really need to start focusing on my work though. I went from not being productive, to productive, now Iapos;m back to not being very productive. ]: Not good at all I miss the feeling of being accomplished and staying productive. I need to keep my priorities straight and get back on track with my goals. Half day tomorrow and Friday; yay I can have fun and still accomplish a lot. Less talking; more action.

Highlight of tha day:
Niko tricking me saying my brother was outside
Finishing that long survey
Bonding time with bigbrotherbrian. [[[[:

oh yeah. BTW; Iapos;m even more confused about ... Now :/ GREAT
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Thatapos;s the polling results of Fox News watchers after the third and last debate -- 87 for McCain, 12 for Obama. Thatapos;s proof (not that itapos;s needed), in numbers, of how skewed Foxapos;s viewership, and ostensibly, itapos;s reporting is. Iapos;m surprised there are 13 that watch Fox News that actually arenapos;t supporting John McCain. Anyway, I hate Fox. I hate Rupert Murdoch, and I wish the Simpsons were on a different network, hehe.

I love the NBC networks though, and Iapos;ve been watching CNN lately, and there was even one round-table discussion on PBS moderated by Gwen Ifill that was amazingly calm, cool, and intelligent. It was probably the smartest discussion between members of the two parties that Iapos;ve ever heard; everyone at the table was not only well-informed, but incredibly receptive to what was said by others.
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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Thereapos;s four of us.
We first became friends in high school. No, we donapos;t have some story of how weapos;ve been friends since birth or anything of that sort. Frankly, Iapos;m not even sure why we are friends. But it doesnapos;t matter. What does matter is that we are friends. And weapos;re the best of friends.

Iapos;m Ryn. Iapos;m actually the oldest out of all of us. How do you describe me? Well youapos;re going to need to ask one of them. Personally I think Iapos;m loud, impulsive and outgoing. Maybe Iapos;m a little full of myself, but isnapos;t that good? A little self love? Hah, thatapos;s me. When I get an idea in my head, thereapos;s nothing stopping me. I have some questionable morals, but Iapos;m fun nevertheless. I hardly ever think about what Iapos;m doing and it often gets me into trouble.
Sheapos;s only twenty days younger than me, making Noah next in line. Noah and I have been friends since fourth grade. Weapos;ve gone through a lot, but honestly itapos;s only made our relationship stronger. Sheapos;s a lot like me. Sheapos;s tiny in size but her attitude makes up for it. Sheapos;s harshly sarcstic and sheapos;d probably hurt your feelings if you didnapos;t know she was only kidding. Unlike me, she actually tries to rationalize before acting out. Too bad most of the time, she ends up doing it anyway.
Ace is next. Sheapos;s tiny, but eats 16 ounces of steak for a snack. Of course being in the military helps keep her in shape, but who actually enjoys running a few miles every morning? Sheapos;s tough, a lot tougher than youapos;d think. But deep down inside of her, thereapos;s a very large heart. Even though sheapos;s a bit of a tomboy, sheapos;s a sucker for chick-flicks and sappy romances. Sheapos;s probably the smartest of us too. But if you really want to see her having some fun, check out her dancing.
Lastly thereapos;s Brisk. Sheapos;s kind of quiet, a little shy at times. Around us, she gets a bit out of hand. She bottles up her emotions too much. She likes to follow the rules, which works to my advantage actually. Sheapos;s the one that tells us what to do, what not to do. If it wasnapos;t for her, Iapos;d probably be dead in a ditch somewhere. She definitely keeps the rest of us firmly grounded. Sheapos;s blonde and certainly acts a little ditzy sometimes.

Thatapos;s a little bit about who we are. But thereapos;s a lot more underneath what we appear. One thing is true and definite, weapos;ve got each othersapos; backs. Weapos;ve lived the past 5 years of our life together and I donapos;t think any of us would ask for it any differently. Our friendship has truly been tested over the years.

Itapos;s not a matter of who youapos;ve known the longest, it matters most who has remained by your side.

Thereapos;s no doubt weapos;re all standing side by side.

- Ryn

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